Friday, October 2, 2009


Dominick: has had successful open heart surgery for the removal of a rare tumor...he also DID NOT need a valve replacement....he continues as a patient at Loyola...please pray against these symptoms of heart surgery....pain at incision site, anxiety, sleeplessness at night. His doctor completed the surgery in less than half the time expected...which is such a plus because Dom was not on the heart/lung machine for very long...which means it was easier on his own systems to begin functioning again.
Baby Grayson: still in need of gallbladder surgery. His surgeon & pediatrician can not come to an agreement as to whether he is healthy enough to tolerate the surgery. He also has a heart condition which increases the risk, however because his gallbladder is packed with stones the risk of pancreatitis is great. He has been spitting up bile and is having abmornal BM's. The gallbladder px is due to special feeding he had to receive through an IV or other possible stomach tube while in the hospital at about 6 weeks old. PLEASE pray that the Lord will lead the doctor's in the right treatments for Grayson so that his body can begin to function normally.

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